Body Treatment
No matter the type of body shape, Xenia Skin Care will help it reshape, contour, and define.
How it works
Ultrasound Fat Cavitation
The ultrasound fat cavitation targets unwanted fatty deposits that can't be shifted. The body is naturally designed to store fat for times when food may be scarce. In fatty cells, there are two main type of receptors: alpha and beta receptors. Cells that have more alpha receptors than beta receptors slow down the process of lipolysis. Particularly, fatty cells in the stomach and abdomen contain more alpha receptors; therefore, it is harder for the body to break the fat and eliminate the stubborn belly fat.
To eliminate the stubborn belly fat, a strong pressure wave is applied to the membranes of the fat cells. The vibration creates vacuum air pockets inside and outside the fat cells where it increases in size and quantity. Eventually, the air bubbles burst that releases a huge amount of energy that collapses the cell membrane of fat cells. Further application leads to disintegration of complex fatty acids into simple fatty acids where it can naturally be eliminated through the body’s waste removal systems and excreted.
Cellulite Reduction
The cellulite reduction targets the tissue through frequency heating to stimulate the production of subdermal collagen. The procedure triggers tissue remodeling as well as the synthesis of fresh collagen and elastin.
Why is it difficult to reduce cellulite?
In the human body, a web of connective tissues hold the skin and fat together. Since the connective tissue is a solid sheet, there are holes where fat can attach itself and develop to create a "cottage cheese look." Even with exercise and healthy diet, the loose net of tissue means more spaces where fat can poke through.
The best way to reduce cellulite is to get a professional treatment done at Xenia Skin Care & Spa. During treatment, vibration waves penetrate the skin that tightens the skin and boosts collagen production, which result in tighter, more taught skin which looks younger and smoother.
The Premium Benefits:
Painless and Non-invasive where it shifts the stubborn fat and cellulite safely
Reduces fat with no downtime in major areas: stomach abdomen, thighs, legs, back, arms, etc.
Smooths, tightens, and tones the skin, which visibly reduces sagging skin
Softens the skin folds to create smooth, glowing skin
Cellulite reduction on legs and buttocks
Natural face lift and decollete
Smoothens crepe-like skin and improves overall skin texture
Ideal for targeting excess fat due to aging, pregnancy, and other natural causes
Helps address imperfections in contour and shape
Long term improvement of skin texture and appearance
Leaves no scarring
- Visible results right after treatment
Body Treatments
What to Expect
What does it feel like?
The treatment is non-invasive and painless. You may feel a warming sensation and slight feeling of vibration on the areas being treated.
How many treatments will it take to see results?
You may notice immediate visible inch loss after your treatment. Afterwards, the results continue as your body flushes out the fat cells over the next five days.
We recommend a course of 6-8 treatments to get the ideal results. It is important that your expectations are realistic.
Are results permanent?
Results will be permanent or long-lasting as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you gain weight after treatment from your lifestyle, it will be in more regions of the body instead of the treated region where the fat was removed.
Fat cavitation and cellulite reduction is part of a bigger picture, where you are committed to eating healthier, drinking more water, getting enough sleep, and taking regular exercise as well.